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Mirja smiling
Mirja here!
Before we start, I’d love to get to know you!
I'm looking for …
Mirja smiling
Thanks {c_first_name}!
Can you also tell us a little about the following …
I need insurance for:
Marital Status
Mirja in a thinking pose
Got it, {c_first_name}. Thanks!
Could you tell us more about your occupation and income?
How long do you expect to live in Germany?
Mirja smiling
Just a few more questions, {c_first_name}.
Please hang in there!

When did you move to Germany?

Select multiple countries by holding down the CTRL / CMD key.

Mirja giving the thumbs-up
Thanks, {c_first_name}!
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
My request is …
Mirja in a thinking pose
Thank you so much, {c_first_name}!
What’s the best way to reach you besides email?

Please use the international format with a leading plus-sign (+).

Optional: Enter the full URL to your LinkedIn profile

Please use the international format with a leading plus-sign (+).

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